Lumbar spinal stenosis is one of the common causes of low back pain. It is caused by the narrowing of the spinal canal which occurs as a part of aging process. The symptoms include back pain, burning or aching type of pain in buttocks that radiates to the legs (sciatica), weakness in the legs or “foot drop”.
Lumbar spinal stenosis may be treated with conservative treatment approaches such as use of pain medications, physical therapy, steroid injections, or acupuncture. In chronic cases, surgery may be required to treat the condition.
Physiotherapy involves stretching exercises, massage, and lumbar and abdominal strengthening.
Surgery is considered for patients in whom the pain and weakness is causing debilitation such as inability to walk for a long time. The two main surgical procedures to treat lumbar spinal stenosis are laminectomy and spinal fusion.
This procedure involves removal of the bone, bone spurs, and ligaments that compress the nerves.
All surgical procedures involve risks. The information provided here is for general educational purposes only. For specific advice regarding lumbar spinal stenosis treatment, please book an appointment with one of our surgeons.
For appointments and enquiries please phone 1300 975 800
Fax: (02) 9136 7396
8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Monday to Friday